Open source, standard tooling for experimental protocols: towards Registered reports
Gather ’round little ones
The need for significance and novelty:
Garden of forking paths (Rubin 2017)
p-hacking (Bruns and Ioannidis 2016)
Hypothesizing after the results are known (i.e. HARKing) (Kerr 1998)
False-positive research (Forstmeier, Wagenmakers, and Parker 2017)
Salami slicing (Rogers 1999)
The persistence of poor methods results partly from incentives that favour them, leading to the natural selection of bad science. This dynamic requires no conscious strategizing (…), only that publication is a principal factor for career advancement.
(…) in the absence of change, the existing incentives will necessarily lead to the degradation of scientific practices. (Smaldino and McElreath 2016) 1
Replication of 100 studies 1
Statistically significant:
Effect sizes:
Baker (2016)
Baker (2016)
Mean number of publications for new hires in the Canadian cognitive psychology job market
Medicine (Ioannidis 2005)
Cancer research (Begley and Ellis 2012)
Finance (Bettis 2012)
Economics (Maniadis, Tufano, and List 2017)
Health informatics (Coiera et al. 2018)
Operations and supply chain management (Pagell 2021)
Methodological research (Boulesteix et al. 2020)
Education (Frias-Navarro et al. 2020)
Improve methods
Reduce errors
Nosek et al. (2022)
Improve methods
Reduce errors
internal replications
transparency of the research process
sharing methods, materials, procedures, and data
RRs were conceived to alter the incentives for authors and journals away from (…) novel, positive, clean findings and towards (…) rigorous research on important questions. Soderberg et al. (2021)
RRs outperformed comparison papers on all 19 criteria (Soderberg et al. 2021)
Sizable improvements in:
Statistically indistinguishable in:
RRs could improve research quality while reducing publication bias…
Hard to know how to analyze an experiment before having the data
Always surprises when data arrives. How to create an analysis plan that will hold?
Collecting ALL-THE-THINGS™ allows me to figure out the best way to do analysis
My code is a mess. Would take more time to make it shareable…
At the CSCN (~5-10 PI’s) we used different technologies for experiments: Psychopy, Qualtrics, Limesurvey, jsPsych,…
Each protocol started almost from scratch. A single pre-existing task would define the technology used
Multiple implementations of the same tasks, not always exact replicas, not always easy to find
2 questions survey:
A few years latter…
Open source tools to create experimental paradigms with jsPsych, simulate participants and standardize data preparation and analysis
A big catalog of reusable tasks in jsPsychMaker. Each task runs with jsPsychMonkeys to create virtual participants, and have a script in jsPsychHelpeR to automate data preparation (re-coding, reversing items, calculating dimensions, etc.)
Help us have the data preparation and analysis ready before collecting any real data
Gorka Navarrete, Herman Valencia
Initial idea and development:
Discussions, ideas, testing:
# Open source document
rstudioapi::navigateToFile(here::here("R/BRS.txt")) # Brief Resilience Scale
# Edit instructions
# Adapt csv/excel file
system("nautilus ~/Downloads/ExampleTasks/MultiChoice/MultiChoice.csv")
Release a single Monkey and take a look:
Release 10 Monkeys in parallel:
Create project for data preparation:
Create protocol, simulate participants and prepare data…
Let’s try to download the data, process it and show a report with the results:
Plan A: run Experiment Issues project
Plan B: If something fails, we always have the monkeys!
Easy to create new scales and simple tasks, but complex experimental tasks require javascript knowledge (although there are a good number of examples available)
Data preparation for new experimental tasks requires expertise in R (simple surveys not so much)
Analysis reports require some R knowledge (simple templates available)
Needs access to a server for online tasks
Only behavioral tasks (no EEG fMRI, maybe eyetracker…)
The past is always tense, the future perfect
Zadie Smith
Development is linked to our needs, time and resources. Future roadmap:
Javascript programmers
R programmers
Task creators
Coffee brewers
Protocols are standardized with (mostly) clean code, open source, and based on web standards
Data preparation 90% automatic, standardized, beautiful
Less errors in protocols and in data preparation
Time from idea to protocol much lower
Super easy to self-replicate (adapt, re-run, analysis already works)
When errors are found and fixed, old protocols can benefit from the corrections, old results can be checked, …
Trivial to work on analysis before collecting human data
Much easier to write up a good analysis plan, share it, improve it, …
Easy to create fully reproducible papers and results’ reports
Sharing protocol, materials, data preparation is painless (single command) 1
Creating future-proof fully reproducible data preparation projects (with Docker) is one command away 2
RRs’ templates, checklists, participating journals (> 300):
Also, check out the future:
And if you are a reviewer:
Gorka Navarrete